Finance One HOME > About Us
Lower, Easier, Faster. A Better Experience for you

Our corporate vision has universal value. We Provide our clients with lower industry interest rates along with an easy online completion process that enables a better borrowing experience.

Finance One Limited is backed by a Japanese capital fund with a strong financial background. Finance One was founded in the end of 2010 and regulated under the Money Lenders License in Hong Kong. Our management team consists of professional members with over 10 years of experience in consumer finance markets in Asia.

Date of establishment :10th December, 2010
Capital :HK$ 48 million (Equivalent to JPY 500 million)
Office Address :Room 2605, 26/F Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Money Lender's License NO:1477/2024
Director :Coco Toyotake

Finance One Limited offers you convenient means to support your financial needs. We provide an online application process as the only channel of our business platform so that our operating costs are minimised. This ensures we are able to provide you with consumer finance service with affordable monthly payments. And what's more, you can apply for your fund by just spending a few minutes anytime, anywhere through our 24/7 internet platform.
Not only providing lower, easier and faster services, but strong security protections and ECO process as our corporate values. We promise to strictly keep your personal information without any leakage. And on ECO process, we are always improving our process to be more efficient and more environment friendly, by reducing waste and paper.